Tuesday, April 13, 2010

#5 On Your Belly

My biggest problem with this assignment was focus. With most assignments I can use a tripod so that even long exposures can turn out well, but with this one I was holding the camera, so that by the time I got to a good exposure, the time was so long that it was blurry (It didn't help that I wasn't getting home until around 8-9 every night, so the light was awful). I liked the actual images of the thread, the open cupboard, and the sweater at the bottom of the stairs, but they were very tricky technically between the light and the focus. Overall, I liked the concepts and images, but not the amount of messing around I had to do with them on the computer, because whenever I do too much on the computer I feel like I'm losing too much of the original picture. I had fun doing it, though, and had fun thinking up ideas.

The Chandelier. My favorite part is the trippy shadow around the top.

A cupboard in my kitchen:

A spool of thread i spotted under a chair:

My stairs, with a dark purple cashmere sweater at the bottom:

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