Thursday, February 18, 2010

Assignment #3 High Key/Low Key

High Key #1 Mug with Beads

Touched Up

So this is a white mug with airsoft pellets spilling out of it. I used my bathtub because it was the only white surface i could find. I bracketed it twice, but for some reason i skipped straight from 2 seconds to four seconds, when the perfect time would have been 3. So i had to touch it up a lot, but I'm pretty happy with the result. I'm glad i found the airsoft pellets, because i like all the shadows and curved surfaces that aren't too obvious. Overall, I like the way it turned out.

High Key #2 Paper

Touched Up

So I didn't have to do as much with this one. I picked a larger depth of field to catch the shadow behind the paper, and so i had to pull up the exposure a little, but other than that i didn't have to do anything to it. You can't really tell in the small picture, but my favorite part is the pin holding it to the wall. if you look at the close-up you can see it at the top of the paper.

Low Key #1 Clay Pot

With this one i didn't retouch it at all. I thought about maybe trying to get back some of the shadows, but i didn't like how grainy and flat that made it. I love the highlights though. I shot this next to a window.

Low Key #2 Computer Mouse, Book, Random Black Thing

I didn't touch up this one at all either, because i liked the time and was more comfortable letting go of some of these shadows than with my other Low Key. I have very similar light in this one, but i put some more fabric along the back of the shot to create a little more depth. i like this one more than my other low key.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Butt Ugly

Boring Original

The totally awesome photo i was supposed to make look ugly but just couldn't because my photos are so awesome no matter what



touched up

This is my friend's hand
taking a picture of red
fire hydrant but
you can't tell because this is
black and white with a
little bit of gray
retouched in lightroom by
me, isabelle george Rosett

a double haiku on the nature of a fire hydrant and jessie taking a picture of it.

Deep stuff.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010